The Well

KOR Water
Sip sustainably - Kor Water

5 Ways To Stay Hydrated While Traveling

When you’re traveling, your normal routines usually get thrown aside. You may skip workouts or get on a different sleep schedule for the week. 

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KOR Water
Sip sustainably - Kor Water

The Benefits of Infused Water

Infusing water with fruits and vegetables actually helps many people drink more water and stay hydrated. Making water tastier is a big deal for those who’d rather reach for juices or soft drinks to quench their thirst. But there are more benefits to infusing your water than just adding flavor. Here are a few things you can infuse in water and the advantages of each. Lemon It’s common at most restaurants to be served water with lemon. And while it’s definitely tasty, lemon water has lots of other wonderful benefits. Lemon and other citrus fruits are high in vitamin C,...

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KOR Water
Sip sustainably - Kor Water

Bring More Balance to Your Life

My father always told me “everything in moderation,” and while I believe certain things—love and passion, for example—warrant more than moderation, what he was really saying was “find a balance.” This principle has stayed with me from childhood into adulthood and has truly shaped the person I have become. In the midst of working and attending graduate school, I would begin to grow overwhelmed and frustration or despair would set in, but my father’s voice would echo in my head—everything in moderation. Finding a balance sounds great. It almost seems like a mystical lifehack that will solve all of your...

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KOR Water
Sip sustainably - Kor Water

5 Ways to Stay Hydrated Over the Holidays

The holidays are fast-approaching and it’s important to stay hydrated during this festive season. From busy schedules to celebratory cocktails to cold weather drying out your skin, making sure you’ve had enough water only becomes more necessary from November to January. Here we’re sharing some easy ways to stay hydrated throughout the holiday season to help stave away headaches, chapped lips, and even weight gain.

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